Stainless steels
Stainless Steel is an alloy of steel combined with nickel and chrome as the main components.
Stainless steels
Stainless Steel is an alloy of steel combined with nickel and chrome as the main components. The quality of the stainless steel depends mostly on the nickel content. Due to the rise in the cost of nickel in recent years other replacements have appeared which contain copper as a substitute for nickel.
All of our Stainless steel products are tested by spectrometric analysis.


shavings of stainless steel
Consists of clean shavings of stainless steel type 18-8 that have a minimum of 7% of nickel, 16% of chrome and free of non-ferrous metals, non metalic metals, excess iron, oil and other contaminants.

Shall consist of clean 18-8 type stainless steel clips and solids containing a minimum 7% nickel, 16% chrome, and have a maximum of .50% molybdenum, .50% copper, .045% phosphorous, and .03% sulfur, and otherwise free of harmful contaminants. Particulars concerning physical description, grading, additional analysis, and preparation to be agreed upon between buyer and seller.