Spain are in the Second European Position in Recycling Paper
Spain, according to the information published by Aspapel, is raised to European Podium of the Recyclers Countries of paper and carton. Germany is at the head of this classification with an annual paper recycling of 16,5 million tons. Spain and France follow Germany with figures that overcome 5 million tonns.
Nowadays reciclies 60% more than what is was recycling 15 years ago. This is the result of the effort carried out by differents companies and sectors of the society, which with his implication and his effort have made possible to obtain this possitive information.
Aspapel highlights, inside his divulgative task and raising awareness, that to possess precise information about the recycling processes of the residues stimulates the participation of the society, since it possesses the certainly of residues that it recycled are recovered.
For this deal, in Chatarras Hernández, we add to this informative task to promote, in the way of possible, the importance of the recycling in the population.