Recycling Rate continues growing in Spain
Last statistics of glass industry determine that in Spain recycle 67% of the glass, being like that in the position 14 of the countries of the European Union that more recycle -the European Average is concerning 70%.
Figures demonstrate a dissociation between the growth of the industry, the demand of resources and the environmental impact: In Europe, 189 million tons in saved raw materials and 138 million tons of residues that have not gone to the dumps thanks to the recycling.
All the participants in the glass sector contribute to this achievements, since the worry over the recycling spreads from the design and production of capable packaging to the recycling up to the current raising awareness of the final consumer. However, it is necessary to carry out more actions to improve the quite glass quality and that could be recycled in an effective way, beside to trying to reach 30% of remaining glass that is wasted.
By the other side, we might emphasize that one of the fields of recycling that more is growing in Spain is the medicines, which supose a serious risk for the ecosystems, and for it, the implantation of collection points of expired medicaments, mainly in pharmacies, has supposed an increase of the recycling in the same ones.