Chatarras Hernández participates in Design and Innovation Week

Chatarras Hernández participates in Design and Innovation Week

Next Wednesday, Nov.27th at 11am during the closing ceremony of the First Design and Innovation Week (SDE2013) Chatarras Hernández will be making a presentation. Along with  Wineries Hijos de Juan Gil and Salzillo Coffee, Chatarras Hernández  will speak about  Corporate Identity on the Internet: The Brand Image and the experience of the user.

The event will begin at 9:30am with Mr. Juan Hernández, Director of the Institute of Development in the Region of Murcia, followed by a presentation from the Creator of Yecla.  At  10am the round table sessions begin  with Pedro Antonio Hellin, Vice Decan of Public Relations and Advertising at the University Of Murcia, Fernando Caride member and creative Spokeman and Juan Pedro Sánchez, Manager of Amusal. All arranged by Fernando Marín founder and member of Artsolut.”

Chatarras Hernández participates in Design and Innovation Week